Apply for Specialist and Leadership NPQs

This is the last week you can apply for a February start on our Specialist and Leadership NPQs in partnership with Best Practice Network and Outstanding Leaders Partnership.

The deadline for registering for a National Professional Qualification for school leadership is Monday 23rd January.

As it stands these qualifications remain fully-funded for all state-funded schools and academies. In addition, schools with less than 600 pupils on roll will receive an additional £200 towards the cost of releasing staff.

The eight available NPQs include:

  • Leaching Teaching (NPQLT)
  • Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
  • Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)
  • Leading Literacy (NPQLL)
  • Senior Leadership (NPQSL)
  • Headship (NPQH)
  • Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
  • Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)

To register for a February start please visit and add Futures Teaching Alliance as your Regional Delivery Partner.

These qualifications are hosted locally and facilitated by our expert staff of serving school leaders. If you have any questions then please get in touch.